Year 2023-24
Action Taken about Syllabus:
The feedback of Alumni, Teachers, Parents and Employers regarding syllabus and facilities of institution were collected and analyzed properly.
On the basis of analysis report, following actions were taken by IQAC after discussion with HOD of concern subject.
- The sufficient books were purchased in the Central Library for each subject regarded syllabus.
- The expert’s lectures were organized for hard topics of the subject.
- The departments were asked to arrange extra revision session for practicals.
- The IQAC suggests every department to send the suggestions for modification to BOS through teachers appointed in BOS.
- The IQAC suggests each department to provide to student’s study materials for each Topics through INTRANET facility of college.
- The students were encouraged for using video lectures, study materials and past university papers available in Intranet facility, Website.
- The Students were encouraged to take Online Quiz available on Website.
Action Taken about Institutional Facilities:
The feedback of Students, Alumni, Teachers, Parents and Employers regarding syllabus and facilities of institution were collected and analyzed properly.
On the basis of analysis report, following actions were taken to improve Institutional Facilities.
- The institution decided to develop other Garden.
- The laboratory facilities were increased.
- The developed walking roads of cement block for teachers and students.
- The facilities of Hostel were increased.
- The sufficient seating facilities in campus for student were developed.
- The sports facilities were increased.