SCIENCE COLLEGE, Modasa has been one of the most famous colleges of the region, catering to the diversified needs of the students of Sabarkantha. Since its establishment in 1960, the trust has been a witness to the fabulous progress of the college. It has been achieving new landmarks every year. The college has constantly aimed at improving the quality and content of education to fulfill the standards of excellence. It has tried to follow the pattern of education recommended by the UGC. The syllabi and the method of teaching are relevant to the present times and keep pace with the progress of knowledge in every discipline. Along with the classroom teaching, the college has also made noteworthy progress in various fields of co-curricular activities. The active involvement of the college authorities in arousing diversified interests among the students and making them alert and dynamic must be appreciated. We have succeeded to a great extent in making the college vibrant with multi-faceted activities. We have been able to gear up the college to modernize the infrastructure in recent years and I am sure, it will shine out as an institution par excellence in the near future.